Canada, U.S. to recognize animal disease control zones
By The Canadian Press
Features Barn Management Production Biosecurity Poultry Production Production ProtectionJan. 17, 2013, Winnipeg, MB – Canada and the United States have agreed to recognize each other’s control zones during animal disease outbreaks.
The agreement means that if there’s an outbreak in one area, the other country will continue to allow imports of live animals, animal products and by-products from disease-free areas.
Speaking in Winnipeg, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz pointed to 2003 when mad cow disease was found in Western Canada. Ritz said cattle from disease-free areas such as Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada would still have been able to cross the border if a zoning deal had been in place.
Ritz said the agreement will still prevent the spread of disease but minimize disruptions in the trade of healthy animals.
A framework outlining exactly how the arrangement will work is currently being developed, but will involve extensive consultation with industry groups, states and provinces.
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