Canadian Poultry Magazine

CFIA removes first avian influenza control zone in Ontario

Kristy Nudds   

Features Barn Management Production Poultry Production Production

July 20, 2015 – The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has removed the quarantines in
the first Avian Influenza Control Zone, which includes IP1, located in Oxford County, Ontario, upon completion of the 21 day waiting period that followed cleaning and disinfection of IP1 under CFIA oversight.

The quarantine on IP3 has also been removed. However the quarantine on IP2 remains in effect. As such, the second Avian Influenza Control Zone remains in effect. The CFIA continues to issue permits for the movement of birds and bird products from this zone. If no new detections of avian influenza are reported during the waiting period, the quarantine for IP2 will be lifted on July 29, and the second Avian Influenza Control Zone will be removed.

Information table for infected premises has been updated on the
Agency’s website..

Poultry farmers are reminded to practice a high level of biosecurity to reduce the risk of disease spread, and report any suspicious symptoms in their flocks to the CFIA.

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