CTMA is Now Turkey Farmers of Canada
By Turkey Farmers of Canada
Features Business & Policy Farm BusinessApril 6, 2009- After more than 35 years representing Canada’s registered turkey farmers, the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency (CTMA) is pleased to announce that they have adopted the use of the name Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC)/ les Éleveurs de dindon du Canada (ÉDC).
Effective on March 26, 2009, this new name better reflects the organization’s membership and business activity. It is also based upon extensive consumer and industry research indicating that Canadian consumers appreciate and understand a name that is reflective of a Canadian product and the involvement of Canadian farmers.
“Our organization represents the voice of Canadian turkey farmers, both domestically and internationally,” said TFC Chair Mark Davies. “The name Turkey Farmers of Canada is straightforward, appropriate and an accurate representation of both our membership, and the business we conduct.”
Along with the debut of a new business name, Turkey Farmers of Canada is also pleased to announce the launch of www.turkeyfarmersofcanada.ca (www.leseleveursdedindonducanada.ca ). This new website combines the organization’s previously distinct corporate and consumer sites, and features many resources on the Canadian turkey industry and turkey farming in Canada, inviting consumers to visit an expanded library of turkey recipes, cooking tips and preparation guidelines.
Turkey Farmers of Canada was originally formed under the Federal Farm Products Agencies Act in 1974 as the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency. The organization’s main objectives are to administer the supply management system for turkeys in Canada, encourage cooperation throughout the turkey industry and to promote the consumption of turkey in Canada, while at the same time acting as the voice for Canadian turkey farmers.
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