Canadian Poultry Magazine

Food safety is a top priority for Canadians

By Marketwire   

Features Barn Management Production Poultry Production Production Protection

Dec. 11, 2012, Toronto, ON – A new poll released by the Canadian Food Safety Alliance shows Canadians’ concern for food safety has persisted, months after the XL Food recall. Canadians list food safety as one of their top concerns on par with concerns over the deficit.

The survey also found that Canadians demand action when it comes to food safety citing an increase in inspectors and the vaccination of all cattle to prevent them from carrying E. coli O157 as priorities for fighting food borne illness. While the vast majority of Canadians are still confident or somewhat confident in Canadian food safety, concerns over issues such as E. coli O157 contamination remain a priority for the majority.

“This survey was done long after the massive beef recall and Canadians remain concerned about their food safety,” said Bliss Baker, spokesperson for the Canadian Food safety Alliance. “It certainly seems that Canadians want to see more done to protect the safety of their food,” added Mr. Baker.

Some of the highlights of the poll include;

  • Food Safety is topical and an issue of great importance.
  • Importance of dealing with the issue trumps all other issues, including deficit.
  • E. coli contamination trumps all food safety issues.
  • Half of Canadians believe E. coli incidents have increased over 5 years.
  • Forty-two per cent of Canadians say they have decreased beef consumption as a result of concerns.

The poll by Praxicus was conducted between November 20-22 and included a sample of 1000 Canadians. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 per cent.

For more information on the Canadian Food Safety Alliance, please visit

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