Maple Leaf aims to be “Better Meat Company”
By Maple Leaf Foods
Features Profiles Researchers Business/Policy CanadaMay 12, 2016 – Maple Leaf Foods announced its goal to become the better meat company, anchored by its commitment to sustainability and creating economic, social and environmental value.
“Maple Leaf has completed one of the most complex transformations in the North American food industry, investing over $1 billion to build a strong Canadian company,” said Michael H. McCain, President and CEO, at the Company’s Annual and Special Meeting. “But being a great company requires taking a broader view to create social, environmental and business value. From reducing our climate change impact, to advancing animal care, to making simpler, healthier products, sustainability is fundamental to our growth and making Maple Leaf the better meat company. It will shape our operations, our products, our culture.”
Maple Leaf is executing a comprehensive approach to sustainability, spanning four priorities – nutrition and health, people and communities, animal care and environmental sustainability. Today, the Company released its 2015 Sustainability Report and 2016 plan on its Sustainability Website. Highlights include:
Advance Nutrition and Health: Maple Leaf is a North American leader in providing Raised Without Antibiotics products across its branded, private label and foodservice businesses. Veterinarian Dr. Kathleen Long explains the importance of reducing antibiotic use in animals and the Company’s poultry program:!scene=5&page=treating-animals-well&tab=2: **Visit the Raised without Antibiotic section of the site to view the video
Treat Animals Well: Maple Leaf was the first large-scale Canadian company to commit to transitioning its sow barns from confining crates to open housing. Maple Leaf’s Vice President of Animal Care, Veterinarian Dr. Greg Douglas, highlights Maple Leaf’s progress and the benefit for animals:!scene=5
Value our People and Communities: One in six Canadian children and one in eight households face food insecurity. These are shocking statistics in a country as food rich as ours. In 2016, Maple Leaf is launching a comprehensive strategy to support innovative approaches that advance sustainable food security:!scene=4
Eliminate Waste: Maple Leaf has established an aggressive goal to cut its environmental footprint in half by 2025, requiring significant reductions in the Company’s climate change impact, waste and water usage. Maple Leaf currently diverts over 91% of its waste from landfill:!scene=6
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