Canadian Poultry Magazine

New Packer From Jansen

By Jansen Poultry Equipment   

Features Business & Policy Trade

packerAn automated system for the on-farm packing of both table and hatching eggs has been added to Jansen Poultry Equipment’s roster.

Depending on the size and type of tray used, the machine is capable of
a maximum throughput of 28,000 eggs per hour and can be adapted to
handle either fibre or plastic trays. With it’s integrated tray
de-nester, the machine can be located in rooms where space is at a

In addition to significant labour saving benefits, the machine’s gentle egg
handling technique also ensures a minimum number of seconds when
packing table eggs and maximum hatchability when it comes to hatching


Commenting on this latest addition to the Jansen Poultry Equpment
range of egg handling equipment, Jansen Poultry Equipment’s managing
director Mari van Gruijthuijsen said “We have been installing
third-party makes of farm packers for some years now as they complement well our range of nest boxes and FlexBelt egg conveyors.
However, as demand has grown for this type of automation across all
types of egg production units we decided it was time to design and
manufacturer our own farm packer.”

The Jansen packer has been installed on several farms across Holland
and in the U.K. For further details, contact your nearest Jansen Poultry
Equipment dealer.

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