New Poultry Products Institute will promote products to the public
By Canadian Poultry
Features 100th anniversary Our History Canada Poultry Production ProductionJuly 1951
What is being done for the industry is a query often heard when poultrymen meet. What the industry is doing for itself is much more to the point. A new organization, the Poultry Products Institute of Canada Inc., has come into being and its function is to publicize the products the poultryman, from one end of Canada to the other, produces. Directed at the consumers end, a great deal of work will be done with the Canadian Restaurant Association, hotels and retails stores.
Fashioned after the Poultry and Egg National Board of the United States, it will receive support from every poultry association in Canada, from the packing industry, from the feed industry and from those long-sighted individuals in the industry who realize that producing goods is of little use if the selling end is neglected.
Spearheaded first by the effort British Columbia made a year and a half ago to stimulate egg consumption by advertising to the consumer, followed up by a committee from the Canadian Poultry Council which actually gave birth to this Institute, the movement is now being heralded by the industry as the necessary go-between from the producer to the consumer.
A budget of thirty thousand dollars is being raised for the first year. While this will not allow for any national or magazine advertising it will be sufficient to pay a part-time secretary-manager, do a lot of the groundwork, and print and distribute a number of excellent pamphlets. Already the first of these is being distributed. It is entitled “Frying Chicken – 4 Methods” and is adaptable to hotels, restaurants and institutions where large quantities of chicken are prepared. Twelve hundred of these have gone forward to that number of members of the Canadian Restaurant Association, and it is the duty of the directors of the Institute to find ways and means of distributing many more where they will do the most good.
The next piece of literature will be “Cutting Turkey for Parts” to be ready shortly. It is being debated whether stuffers are of real value in cartoned eggs giving recipes to the housewife of additional uses for eggs. Large distributors are being canvassed on this now.
The Institute will find a hundred and one ways of promoting sales of chicken, turkey and eggs. With most products we are in short supply at the moment but with the attractive prices this situation will not last long, and the Institute to be in readiness for what will come on the market a year hence is a source of satisfaction to those of us who have had a hand in promoting such a body.
Much of the material already produced by the PENB is available to our own Institute. Not only that, but the experiences of the U.S. body – which has operated so successfully for ten years – were freely offered the president and secretary-manager when they visited the head office in Chicago recently.
“The PENB articles, photographs and press releases are distributed through existing channels among which are: Syndicated Foods Columns servicing thousands of newspapers, 910 newspaper and magazine editors, 14,254 Home Economics Teachers, 2038 Home Service Directors, 353 Librarians, 406 Public Health Workers, 1059 Radio and TV Food Programme Directors, 1548 Home Demonstration Agents, 2264 Dietitians and Nutritionists and 463 Chefs and Managers of Institutions.”
Never before has out Canadian poultry industry has this sort of promotion of its products. The result, if it can continue and grow, will inevitably be a larger, more prosperous industry. It is entirely industry-financed, which is as it should be.
If you do not belong to any organization that is helping with the finances of the Institute, your personal contribution will be most welcome if sent direct to the Poultry Products Institute of Canada Inc., 432 Eastern Avenue, Toronto, Ont.
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