Ontario poultry industry gradually returns to normal after AI incidents
By Feather Board Command Centre
Features Barn Management Production Poultry Production ProductionMay 25, 2015 – It has been more than four weeks since the last Avian Influenza (AI) case
was discovered in Ontario. The provincial feather boards in Ontario have planned a careful and gradual return to standard operations beginning this week, provided there are no new Avian Influenza (AI) incidents.
With quarantines still in place in the two existing AI control zones in southwestern Ontario, field staff from the three boards and commission are returning to work outside the AI control zones, limited to one farm visit per day and following strict biosecurity protocols.
In addition, the prohibition has been lifted for visiting board offices and for local farmer meetings. It is recommended that broader industry meetings beyond the local level should be postponed until mid-June.
The two 10-kilometre zones in the province that are under quarantine and Heightened Biosecurity Protocols will retain their current status until released by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Rigorous cleaning and disinfecting protocols must be followed and testing and waiting periods observed before the quarantine zones are removed. Under the current
schedule, this could occur by the end of June.
All industry sectors continue to work effectively together to ensure that any opportunity for the spreading of this disease is mitigated through strict biosecurity protocols. Procedures are in place on all Ontario poultry farms, and should be practiced throughout the entire poultry industry.
All Ontario poultry farmers are requested to refer to their respective Board protocols which outline specific biosecurity measures to be taken. Farmers are reminded of the following enhanced biosecurity practices:
- Alert all visitors to the farm that there is enhanced biosecurity and keep a logbook of all movements
- Minimize visits to other poultry production sites
- Avoid any co-mingling of birds or contact with outside birds or poultry products
- Ensure all personnel in contact with birds arrive at the farm with clean footwear and clothing and when applicable wear boot covers, protective suits, head coverings and gloves
- Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after handling the birds
- Ensure adequate control of wild birds and rodents
For up-to-date info, please visit and join the Feather Board Command Centre’s site: www.fbcc.ca
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