Canadian Poultry Magazine


How has the nominee demonstrated on-farm leadership?

For example:

  • Took charge of flock management, including maximizing production and the health and welfare of the birds.
  • Led a significant project, such as a barn renovation or new barn build.
  • Spearheaded a business strategy for your farm.
  • Effectively managed one or more staff.


How has the nominee embraced innovation on and off the farm?

For example:

  • Adopted and mastered cutting-edge technologies and bird/barn management practices.
  • Helped foster innovation in the poultry industry by supporting research.
  • Industry and community involvement

How has the nominee gone the extra mile to support both their industry and community?

For example:

  • Educated the public about poultry farming and supply management.
  • Lobbied government on behalf of their industry.
  • Led or joined in on initiatives to support their local community.
