Nov. 9, 2010, Kirkland, Que. – With the recent registration of
Innovax®-ILT recombinant vaccine, poultry producers and veterinarians
now have a new ally to fight both Marek's Disease and Infectious
Laryngotracheitis (ILT) and help improve the overall respiratory health
of birds right from the hatchery.
Nov. 9, 2010, Kirkland, Que. – With the recent registration of Innovax®-ILT recombinant vaccine, poultry producers and veterinarians now have a new ally to fight both Marek's Disease and Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) and help
improve the overall respiratory health of birds right from the hatchery.
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Innovax-ILT is a recombinant vaccine that combines an HVT Marek's vaccine with part of
the ILT virus, explains Dr. Linnea Newman, Consulting Poultry Veterinarian for
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health. "Because the vaccine does not contain live ILT
virus, it provides birds with life-long protection against Marek's Disease and ILT without the
potential respiratory reactions or house to house spread that can be associated with live
chick embryo origin (CEO) vaccines," says Newman.
ILT is an acute viral disease primarily affecting chickens, causing conjunctivitis and severe
respiratory disease characterized by difficulty breathing and expectoration of bloody exudates from the trachea. In addition, a decrease in egg production may be observed. Infection in broiler flocks can cause excessive mortality and negatively impact performance. ILT can lead to morbidity rates ranging from 50 to 100 per cent with a mortality rate of 10 to 20 per cent, but sometimes up to 70 per cent.
Additional economic loses occur as a result of export restrictions and as a consequence of
utilizing live ILT vaccines, which can lead to production problems from vaccination reactions.
"Innovax-ILT vaccine allows you to stop it right at the hatchery and gain life-long protection,"
explains Dr. Newman. Innovax-ILT could also form the foundation of a vaccination program that, combined with other vaccines, can improve the overall respiratory health of birds in poultry operation. Paul Young, Marketing Manager, Swine & Poultry Products at Intervet/Schering-Plough.
Animal Health in Canada, believes that Innovax-ILT vaccine will prove to be a significant tool
for producers and veterinarians because of its strategic fit in vaccination programs. "If you
use Innovax-ILT it gives your program a strategic advantage. Administered at one-day of age at full dose at the hatchery, it will provide long-life protection for birds without the need of field boosts."
"Innovax-ILT vaccine also gives you the option to extend the protection by using an Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) vaccine like Univax®-BD at the hatchery to protect your birds against three major diseases (Marek's ILT and IBD) easily and without the risk associated with other vaccination strategies," says Young.
Innovax-ILT has been registered in Canada for vaccination of healthy one-day-old chickens by subcutaneous route as an aid in the prevention of Marek's Disease and ILT.
In 2009, poultry producers in British Columbia\'s Fraser Valley received an emergency permit to utilize Innovax-ILT to help control an ILT outbreak. In these cases, an alternative to
modified live CEO (chicken embryo origin) vaccines and tissue culture origin vaccines was sought to prevent the shedding of ILT and for ease of administration.
"We were glad we could play a role in helping veterinarians and producers control the Fraser
Valley situation," says Paul Young. "And we look forward to seeing Innovax-ILT vaccine play
an important role in producers' vaccination programs in the future."
For more information visit Intervet.com, or visit Merck.com.
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