Canadian Poultry Magazine

Air Phaser technology reduces odour and VOCs

By Air Phaser   

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Air Phaser technology reduces odour and VOCs
Air Phaser is designed to oxidize and/or reduce airborne
pollutants, typically classified as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
that need to be transformed to environmentally benign forms.

airphaserAir Phaser is designed to oxidize and/or reduce airborne
pollutants, typically classified as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
that need to be transformed to environmentally benign forms. These
VOCs also may or may not be odorous and are typically emitted by large
scale industries as a result of their operations. Air Phaser's
technology transforms these VOCs to safe, non-hazardous and
non-odorous compounds and it does this using only electricity.

Air Phaser is effective on emission volumes that range from a few
hundred up to hundreds of thousands cubic feet of air per minute (CFM).


VOCs that are more odorous rather than environmentally
objectionable can also be treated by Air Phaser systems before being
released into the environment. These include odorous air emissions
resulting from industrial processes such as waste handling and compost
odors, oil and water based drying air resulting from food and/or animal
products processing, sewage treatment and all other types of organic
manufacturing and/or handling processes.

The VOCs are transformed into harmless H2O and CO2 . Other
compounds, such as H2S and other gas phase pollutants and odors are
also oxidized and/or reduced by the system so that they are harmless
and inoffensive.

The 3rd generation “Non Thermal Plasma” (NTP) technology
incorporates a patent pending, high energy electrical NTP field with an
integral catalyst system. This electrically energetic design is able to
disrupt ionic and covalent bonding in the VOC compounds in large air
volumes passing through the field, facilitating the oxidation with
equally ionized and dissociated reactive oxygen species which results
in the conversion of the VOCs into harmless oxidized compounds.

The system can treat air volumes from 50 to over 1,000,000 cfm using
only a modest amount of electricity. The system is fault tolerant,
since units are placed in parallel on larger systems and no single or
even multiple unit shutdown's affect the whole treatment system. It is
also extremely efficient as the electrical usage costs are far less
than any alternate process that uses fuel or chemicals.


A compact size and the option for custom cabinet design permits
retrofitting to existing processes, with an attractive ROI when
operational savings is compared.


For more information, visit or phone (604) 308-7435

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