Canadian Poultry Magazine

CFC sets National Allocation for period starting mid-January

By Canadian Poultry magazine   

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Demand for chicken continues to be strong.

National allocation for A-187 (Jan 14, 2024 – Mar 9, 2024) was set at +1.5% and A-188 (Mar 10, 2024 – May 4, 2024) set at +0.5% at the Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC) meeting on October 10, 2023.

Demand for chicken continues to be strong. This is supported by competing meat prices and overall market conditions.

In making its recommendation to CFC, CFO consulted with the Ontario industry value chain and also examined market conditions using available data to understand consumer demand as well as expected supply including imports. CFO continues to frame its allocation recommendation based on a strategic approach of “balanced best interest outcomes” by weighing the various factors and perspectives.

The volumes for domestic allocation, in eviscerated kilograms, for Ontario and Canada are:

Ontario Canada Ontario Growth* Canada Growth**
A-187 71,672,276 205,455,429 +2.0% +1.5%
Ontario Canada Ontario Growth* Canada Growth**
A-188 73,664,626 210,813,870 +0.75% +0.5%

* Relative to the adjusted base for the period; including a +0.19% growth from the A-163 and A-164 Recovery Process in A-187.

** Relative to the adjusted base for the period.

Ontario anticipates volume allocations for A-189 and A-190 will be set at the January 30, 2024 CFC Board meeting.

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