Canadian Poultry Magazine

Hubbard’s successful grandparent forum

By Hubbard   

Features Genetics Research Poultry Production Poultry Research Production Research

Hubbard GP customers from the Americas, Asia and the Middle East in front of the Pikeville hatchery Hubbard

May 22, 2012 – Hubbard recently held a successful GP Forum for some of their Classic and H1 customers from the Americas, Asia and the Middle East. This year Hubbard LLC hosted this important event between 23rd to 27th April at its USA production centre and the Sheraton Read House Hotel in Chattanooga.

Each morning presentations were given on different aspects of the management of Hubbard Grandparent Stock and technicians presented their individual experiences from around the world. On the final day there were presentations on nutrition, hatchery and hatch day breakout. The afternoon sessions were conducted at Hubbard’s production facilities, which included visits to rearing and production Grandparent farms and to the Hubbard Grandparent hatchery in Pikeville, Tennessee with a capacity of 12 million breeders per year.

The unique mixture of both theory and practice was well received by the customers, who were able to see first-hand in the afternoon what was being described in the morning sessions.

About Hubbard

In 2011 Hubbard celebrated its 90th anniversary. From the small flock of chickens with which Ira and Oliver Hubbard began the business in 1921, Hubbard has grown to one of the major international broiler breeding companies in the world. The poultry industry has seen remarkable changes during the past 90 years, with dramatic results for the benefit of humankind. Hubbard has played, and will continue to play, an important and vital role in this great industry

Oliver Hubbard’s graduation from the New Hampshire Agriculture College in 1921 can been seen as the beginning of Hubbard in the commercial poultry business. From 1921 up to the acquisition by Merck in 1974, Hubbard has always been a family company. In 1997 Hubbard merged with the ISA-group from France, purely focusing on broiler breeding as from 2003. Since the French company Groupe Grimaud took over Hubbard from Merial in 2005 Hubbard is again part of a family company, which is the 2nd largest multi-species animal breeding company in the world, with a clear focus on the further development of Hubbard’s business in the broiler industry around the world.

Hubbard provides solutions that focus on the economic performance, health and well-being of breeding stock. Hubbard specializes in state-of-the-art selection programs to improve the performance of their pure lines. It is essential to Hubbard to preserve a large gene pool offering more flexibility for innovative solutions to an industry facing more and more constraints being imposed to them:

  • increased feed prices,
  • animal welfare regulations,
  • increased segmentation of the markets,
  • and in some countries a reduction/shortage in production surface.

Hubbard operates its selection programs in 3 different R&D centres in North America and Europe, along with its own production sites in North America, Europe and Brazil. Hubbard has a longstanding experience in breeding, developing and marketing breeding stock for both conventional and alternative markets.

Presence in nearly 100 countries around the world and the support of dedicated teams involved in R&D, Production, Technical Service and Sales & Marketing assure the continuity to deliver quality products that are best suited to the different broiler markets throughout the world.

Hubbard is a company of Groupe Grimaud. For more information, please visit their website:

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