Canadian Poultry Magazine

Supply management will be defended in TPP talks

David Manly   

Features Business & Policy Farm Business Business/Policy Canada Poultry Production Production Sustainability

Aug. 24, 2012 – Canada will soon join negotiations with the Trans Pacific Partnership, but local MPs are insisting that the government will defend supply management.

According to an article in the Wellington Advertiser, farmers are taking their MPs at their word, but are still being cautious. However, the director for Region 6 (Dufferin, Peel, Simcoe and Wellington) of the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO), Ian Harrop, said that the federal government has told dairy farmrs that “supply management is not negotiable.”

Which is a good thing, he says, as farmers in Canada get their income from the marketplace, not the government. If supply management goes, then the entire Canadian farm system would have to be re-configured.

For more on this issue, please see the complete article at Wellington Advertiser.

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